I've lost track of the days, but i can tell you that i remember newyears eve. What a night. The parents went out with their friends to the bar, Leah stayed home with Jake, Maaike hung out with good friends. So, Jenessa, the friend from alberta, came to visit us for the new year. It was the red-haired trio, which consists of Maaike, Jenessa, Brianne. Later on, Brianne's boyfriend shows up. He's a nice guy so we don't mind that he's there. Then, later on, Peter and Bethany come and join us after their new years church service. We chilled as if it were normal even though we had a special guest in our presence. It was good. Just like old times but with a bit of a twist because our little Brianne is growing up. At about 10, we decided "hey, let's go get a bite to eat". So, we walked over to the mcdonald's in walmart but it was closed. "ahh, whatever, there's a Timmy's across the street" we said. So, we're walking and come across a shopping cart. However, we're all hyped up and not thinking straight, as always. We jump in the cart and ride down the hill. The faces of the people in walmart were absolutely stunned. It was good times though. So, we get to timmy's. and no one has money so we're digging around and manage to find enough for a coffee. So, the six of us split a large coffee and were, once again, on the journey home. So, we get home and Jenessa and i eat a box of alphabits without telling brianne (it's her house afterall). She didn't really care. But she didn't even know 'til we threw them at her. That was pretty messy. We had been teasing the couple to kiss all night. We didn't think they would. But as soon as the ball dropped in the Big Apple, well, you know what happened. : ] It made my heart happy. As well as a longing for what I'd never really had. "SOMEONE TELL ME WHERE MY SHOES ARE!!@!@#" *a pause* "AHHH, WHATEVER, WE'RE GOING WITHOUT SHOES." My foot was bleeding fountains and i hadn't even noticed. oh well. we made sure to wish all the neighbors another hell filled party year and went back inside. People left after an hour or so and the tri, once again, remained. I had to work at noon and i made a point that we had to be out by four. We were and I even had time to come home, shower, get ready for work and get there with 20 minutes still remaining. Everything worked out pretty good.
Christmas time was also excellent. The computer died for almost all of the break so we HAD to talk to eachother. Not a problem with me, but you know how my mom gets. ahahaha. i enjoyed the company of family on christmas eve. But, christmas day.. that's another story. As a tradition, we always celebrate on christmas eve, which leave christmas with all of the cleaning. Well, we finished cleaning after church and we were on our way to the house of some long time family friends. After playing an old-school card runescape-like game for quite a while, we figured we'd better get going. Everyone loved their gifts and I enjoyed getting the gifts. My friend, corrie, and I did all of our shopping at value village.
on the 28th, my sister, my dad, other family friends of ours, and I went up to the mountain and put in a long day of snowboarding. that was a good day. it passed so fast, i don't really have much to say about it.
well, yesternight, the family went for dinner at "charlie don't surf" in whiterock. An excellent restaurant. The waiter looked like mr.tumnus from Narnia but he was pretty cool. after that, i was totally shot and just wanted to go to bed. HOpefully, one day soon I'll have a few more pictures up.

Oh, and by the way, I think that's a pretty good looking family of 5. : }
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