Well, it's already September and I haven't done much blogging at all over the summer. I guess maybe it's been that I've been too busy. Maybe it's because I haven't been busy at all. Whatever the reason, at least I'm doing it now. In the beginning of summer, I really did nothing.

Slept in, hung out with friends a couple times. It was just time to chill and relax after a long school year. After a couple weeks of that, my friend, Jenessa, came down from Crossfield AB to visit. We saw eachother a total of about 5 times during the 4 or 5 weeks she was down. While she was down, I was also in the midst of looking for a job. When I found one, and was scheduled to be working, Jenessa was supposed to stay with me. I couldn't take her in, my parents were gone. Now, that sounds awesome but, I couldn't do it. The thought of leaving her alone in the house.. I'd feel awful for treating someone that way. So, she stayed with one of our other friends. So, I worked that weekend. Let me tell you something, McDonald's is not a pleasant job, but, it has flexible hours and they work around my schedule. So, later that week, I took a trip up to Summerland with my family. The trip is amazing, but it's still not my favorite place to camp. I stayed with them for a night or two and then they brought me to Brookvale Campsite in Osoyoos. Brookvale is one of my favorite campsites. I usually stay with friends in Brookvale around the same time every year. It's alot of fun. The same people are usually there and we always end up meeting new people. We always find something new to do. Whether it's biking, playing hide-and-go-seek in the orchards or lighting stuff on fire; we always find some new unnecessary task to accomplish. That afternoon it was so hot. We said, "hey, let's go swimming". So, we did. But, when you put our two heads together, it can turn into some sort of barely attainable adventure. Osoyoos Lake, where we were staying, is right on the border of Canada and the US. We swam across the border and had to be rescued by our uncle Eric. This year, we slept on the beach. That was my first and last night there for the year. It was amazing. My bestfriend, Jessica, and I talked deep into the night. She started to get uber tired and started making flashlight signals to some of the guys sitting farther down the beach. They came over and we started talki

ng. Somehow, it's much easier to make friends at 3:00 in the morning. We came back home to Surrey and I stayed with them for the next week. It was good. I only came back to their house to eat dinner, get my stuff, and occupy my empty house for a week. At the time, Jenessa was still down so I invited her and, my other friend, Bethany to watch a few movies at my place. We watched Jaws and King Kong. Classic. The next day, my boyfriend (now, exboyfriend) came over. That wasn't very pleasant at all. We watched a movie but, something was weird between us. He had been drinking before he came and brought some weird concoxion to get us both buzzed. I went with my gut on this one and was like, "uh.... no thanks". It worked well but after that day, I don't trust him. I went back to Jessica's house and that night we went to Jericho Beach and watched the fireworks. I told her all about what had happened that day and she told me that if he did it again, he wasn't worth it. I was totally blinded by love. My other friends started to say stuff as well. With all that gossip about my boyfriend, it got me to think. And I thought and thought for almost two and a half months. I finally broke up with him in the middle of August. I did it because I'm only 15, he was 18, he was taking things more seriously than I was and I'm still young and can't afford to lose my friends over some guy. Not only that, but I didn't trust him anymore and we didn't have mutual feelings for eachother. Shortly after that, my family and I took a trip up to Christina Lakes BC. I had just got my phone and was so happy. We got up there and there was no service whatsoever. Not a big deal... I had gone the

past 15 years without a phone, right? There was nothing in Christina Lakes so every day, we'd go either to Salmo, Nelson, or Trail. Salmo was so small. Alot of amazing mosiacs though. Trail was also small but not as small as Salmo. There I spent 10 dollars on candy. What a waste. I also bought a couple of shirts for school. My sister and I took off from the family and went down to the river where we were greeted by a peaceful goose. We named him Marvin. He started to follow us and we were so thrilled that we might have a pet goose. He was nice. Every night in Christina

Lakes was so cold. We finally gave up on not showering and the cold weather and drove 2 and a half hours to Ainsworth Hot Springs. It was amazing. The natural caves were my favorite. It was just what we needed. The hot springs followed by a nice hot shower. A few days later we went into Nelson and stayed the night. That night, there was some sort of festival happening on the main street. If I haven't mentioned earlier, Nelson is a very artsy town in the middle of nowhere. First, we went to a mexican place called El Taco. It was so so so good. Later, we walked down to mainstreet and there were booths set up everywhere. Lots of different sounds filled the air. There was a procussion band and they all dressed in black and red. There was belly dancers and the conductor looked like he was straight out of a comic book. We stayed in a motel that night. It also looked like it was from a comic book. The next morning my dad and I woke up at 4:30 and he drove me to the Greyhound station. I hoped on the greyhound at 4:50 and arrived in Calgary AB at about 7:30pm. The trip was fun even though it

was with no one I knew. There was a guy that got on the bus with a didgeridoo, and during rests, he'd play it. No one really cared but I still think it was cool. In Lethbridge, AB, I made a friend. She was from the Philippines. We started to talk and talked the rest of the way to Alberta. Lethbridge is also where my grandparents met for the first time. Cranbrooke was another amazing town but nothing exciting happened there. Finally, I arrived in Calgary where Jenessa and her family picked me up and drove down to

Crossfield. We did a bit of babysitting, a bit of shopping, alot of walking and slept. The first few days, we just chilled and babysat. We got paid a fair amount which gave us money to go shopping later that week. Every night, we'd go for a 45 minute walk to the Tim Horton's on the other side of the highway. There was a field of horses there and we stopped to feed them some grass. The third night, we did the same.. Just this time, we almost got attacked by dogs. We said, "maybe the guy left the gate open by accident". The fourth night, we were feeding the horses and we hear the dogs. We thought maybe the guy closed the gate but the dogs tore under the fence and started booking it our way. Isn't that an awful feeling when you think you're going to get mauled by vicious dogs? Now, we started to think that the guy was sending the dogs after us. But, we weren't doing anything. Just feeding his horses. We were quiet, kept outside of the fence and it's not like we were scaring the horses or anything. That night, we took a shorter route home but we layed in a wheat field for about an hour or so. One day, we went to the new Crossiron Mills mall in Balzac AB. It was huge!!! I saw a friend from Surrey there. It was kinda weird, I won't lie. It was like, "what are you doing here?!" "uhm... Stalking you". Haha. The last day I was there, we went into Calgary and found a little new age shop called The Divine Mine. It was quite nice. Lots of cool stuff to look at. Later, we went even further downtown and sat and walked and walked past a latino festival. We weren't allowed in, because we didn't have tickets, but, it seemed like fun. The next morning we woke up at about 4:30 again and I finally got on the bus at 5:40. Another long ride, but I was so happy to see the mountains and trees of BC again. The whole time, I was sick. When my family came to pick me up in Abbotsford, we went for McDonald's and I ate a bit too fast.... yeah, it wasn't pretty. I drank some water and I was fine for the rest of the night. Although, I was really tired by the time I got home. I went back to work the next day and got school supplies.

A few weekends later, my friends and I went to a camp in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of people we know from youth group. It was good times. We dressed our body-builder friend up as a girl and did a twilight parody. But, now that I've had my fun, school is starting and I have to buckle down and study for a bit.