OKAY!!! So, yesterday we went into Vancouver (We, being my family and I). Granville Island to be exact. Anyway, so, we were looking through the market and I started to get chlosterphobic so, I said "Let's just sit down for a bit and have a cup of coffee or a drink or whatever." So, we found this booth thing that was full of cookies and sweets so we got a few and sat down and drank coffee and watched people... Life is good. Afterwards, we walked outside and there's this street performer. Well, you know me, I had to watch. ☺So, this guy is just talking normal (which I really appreciate. Because, sometimes when they're concentrating, it sounds like they're taking a dump) and he's juggling fire and knives while standing on some sort of contraption. He was pretty funny too. I didn't have my camera on me at the time. But, if I did, I would've taken a picture. Luckily, my sister, Leah, had hers. It's a piece of crap. BUT IT'S STILL A CAMERA.
It might not be so exciting for most people to hear me ramble on about stuff like this. Especially because people must see stuff like it everyday. But, when you live in a boring community and go to a boring school, like me, it's fun to go into Vancouver and just watch people. That's why I'm so excited for summer.